“Donald Trump is a Convicted Felon, a Pathological Liar, and a Sociopath. So Let’s Solve the Problem by Firing and Humiliating Joe Biden.” REALLY?


      The Washington punditocracy, represented by the likes of Joe Scarborough, Claire McCaskill, most of the MSNBC and CNN regulars (with the notable exception of Mika Brzezinski and Lawrence O’Donnell), and the New York Times Editorial Board are having a field day expressing personal sorrow while throwing President Joe Biden under the bus less than twenty-four hours after Biden’s poor debate performance.  Their logic seems to be that a second Trump administration is so unthinkable that we need to shoot the, admittedly imperfect, messenger Joe Biden to solve the problem.

       The problem, however, is Donald Trump, not Joe Biden.  And yet, the punditocracy consistently goes easy on Trump pleading that his crimes, his immorality, and his lack of veracity are so widely recognized that we just take them for granted.  Biden, however, should have risen above that and called out Trump’s every lie and act of malfeasance during their debate in such a way that would suddenly open everyone’s eyes to the monster that is Donald Trump.  Biden should have done the punditocracy’s job.  He should have done our job.  Because he didn’t do that for us, we just throw Biden under the bus and look for someone else to take on Trump.

      Meanwhile, Trump is accorded the dignity and honor of a Presidential candidate and given an equal place on the debate stage with the President of the United States even though:

·         He attempted to subvert the legal outcome of a Presidential election that he clearly lost.


·         He incited an insurrection that led to the death or injury of law enforcement officers who were defending the Capitol and Members of Congress.

 ·         He deliberately selected Supreme Court Justices who would deprive women of a right held for a half century to choose their own health care in partnership with their doctors.

 ·         He stole and illegally retained highly sensitive classified material that, because of the level of classification, would likely put Americans at risk for their lives if disclosed.

 ·         He openly embraced foreign dictators despite warnings from his professional intelligence advisors of the potential harm to national security that would result.

 ·         He undermined our alliances, threatening NATO members that he would sacrifice them to Russian aggression if they “didn’t pay their bills.”

 ·         He incompetently managed the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic to the extent that the United States ranks second in number of deaths per 100,000 people among the major nations.


·         He is a pathological liar.


·         He is a sociopath.


·         He is a narcissist.

 ·         He is without question totally unsuited to be President.

       And yet, we set him equal to the sitting President when he should have been watching the debate from a jail cell.  The punditocracy throws the sitting President under the bus while arguing that Trump had “one of his best debate performances.”  If this becomes the narrative going forward then Trump will be reelected not because of Biden’s poor debate performance but because we (guided by the punditocracy) made the monster that is Trump into an acceptable Presidential candidate.


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